CO2 Emissions

The world is becoming more modernized by the year, and with this becoming all the more polluted.

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Why we must have awareness of CO2 emissions

CO2 emission is a major cause of climate change and air pollution, which have serious impacts on our health and environment. CO2 emission comes from burning fossil fuels, manufacturing goods, and cutting down forests. These activities release greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere and warm up the planet. This leads to more extreme weather events, such as heat waves, droughts, floods, and storms. It also increases the formation of smog, which can harm our respiratory system and cause diseases. Moreover, CO2 emission affects the habitats of many animals and plants, and threatens biodiversity. Therefore, we must have awareness of CO2 emission and take action to reduce it. We can use renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, instead of fossil fuels. We can also conserve energy, recycle materials, and plant more trees. By doing so, we can protect our health and environment from the effects of CO2 emission.

CO2 emission


Feature Descriptions

Country Country in question
Energy_type Type of energy source
Year Year the data was recorded
Energy_consumption Amount of Consumption for the specific energy source, measured (quad Btu)
Energy_production Amount of Production for the specific energy source, measured (quad Btu)
GDP Country's GDP at purchasing power parities, measured (Billion 2015$ PPP)
Population Population of specific Country, measured (Mperson)
Energy_intensity_per_capita Energy intensity is a measure of the energy inefficiency of an economy. It is calculated as units of energy per unit of capita (capita = individual person), measured (MMBtu/person)
Energy_intensity_by_GDP Energy intensity is a measure of the energy inefficiency of an economy. It is calculated as units of energy per unit of GDP, measured (1000 Btu/2015$ GDP PPP)
CO2_emission The amount of CO2 emitted, measured (MMtonnes CO2)

You can find the dataset here Kaggle